Today in Royal History | March 19


The Death of Princess Anne, Duchess of Aosta in 1986

[The Savoy-Aosta Tiara | Savoy-Aosta Emerald Necklace | Ruby Necklace]


The Wedding of Countess Margherita von und zu Arco-Zinneber in 2022

The Wedding of Princess Charlotte, Duchess of Valentinois and Count Pierre de Polignac in 1920

Royal Events OTD

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Belize in 2022

Royals and the Coronavirus in 2020

The Queen and Duchess of Cambridge at King’s College London in 2019

The Wedding Ball of Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein and Princess Margaretha of Luxembourg in 1982

The Spanish State Visit to Denmark in 1980

The Engagement of Crown Prince Harald of Norway in 1968

Royal Events Today

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