Crown Prince Haakon opens festival with focus on climate – Royal Central

Sara Svanemyr, Det kongelege hoffet

Crown Prince Haakon of Norway has visited the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research and the food research institute Nofima in Bergen.

Additionally, he attended the opening of the local climate festival in Bergen, Norway`s second largest city.

This festival aims to set up discussions and lectures in order to make the climate debate more accessible and engaging. The festival creates a social and informal arena for discussion between students, business leaders, politicians, and entrepreneurs where they can share knowledge, opinions, and ideas on climate challenges.

The official opening took place on March 15 2023. The highlight of the opening event was the presentation of the ‘Warmer Wetter Wilder; prize. This award recognizes individuals who make a contribution to the public conversation about the climate crisis and its solutions.

Earlier in the day, the Crown Prince paid a visit to the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research, which is a collaborative effort between the University of Bergen, NORCE, the Nansen Center, and the Marine Research Institute. The centre conducts research on the Earth’s climate system in the past, present, and future.

Here, His Royal Highness was able to see the work of an advanced isotope laboratory where the snow samples the Crown Prince helped collect during his trip over the Greenland ice sheet last year are being analysed.

During his visit to Nofima’s Bergen office, the Crown Prince had the opportunity to meet with employees who are conducting research on the efficient utilization of residual raw materials derived from marine species. The Crown Prince also had the chance to observe an advanced laboratory, where researchers at Nofima are developing new innovative ideas.

Crown Prince Haakon has shown a strong interest and commitment to the environment over the years.

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