Business as usual for Princess Anne as election forces Royal Family to reconsider agenda

As King Charles juggled his diary for an unexpected meeting with the Prime Minister and Buckingham Palace later confirmed that His Majesty and his family would be cutting back on duties as a general election campaign got under way, one Windsor didn’t get the memo.

The Princess Royal was in Norway for an official visit as her brother found himself called upon to dissolve parliament for the first time in his reign. And Princess Anne did what she always does – carried on as usual.

The Princess is spending three days in Oslo and at the moment Charles III was meeting Rishi Sunak to discuss the PM’s surprise call for an election, Anne was with the future king of Norway paying tribute to wartime heroes.

Along with Crown Prince Haakon Magnus, the Princess Royal visited the Norwegian Resistance Museum where they met Trond Johansen, an agent considered one of the most important sources of information on the occupying forces in Norway during the war.

The Princess and the Crown Princess also unveiled a plaque commemorating intelligence sharing between Norway and the UK during World War Two.

Princess Anne has a busy diary scheduled for the weeks ahead but it remains to be seen how many of her planned visits between now and July 4th can go ahead.

Hours after Charles III agreed to dissolve parliament so that a general election could be held, Buckingham Palace announced that the Royal Family would have to limit its engagements, in line with protocol, to avoid distracting from the election campaign.

The King immediately cancelled planned visits in Crewe while the Prince of Wales also cut engagements set to take place in the coming days.

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