Today in Royal History | November 26

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  • Post published:November 26, 2023
  • Post category:News


The 55th Birthday of Eugenia Martínez de Irujo, 12th Duchess of Montoro

[Duchess of Alba’s Pearl Tiara]

The Birth of Queen Maud of Norway in 1869

[Queen Maud’s Pearl Tiara | Diamond Tiara | Diamond Circlet | Queen Alexandra’s Turquoise Circlet | Diamond Chandelier Earrings | Seed Pearl Choker | Diamond and Pearl Brooch  | Drapers’ Company Brooch | Aquamarine Brooch | Diamond Brooch | Pearl Bow Brooch | Norwegian Royal Tiaras | The Jewels of Queen Maud of Norway]

 The Birth of Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia in 1847

[Empress Maria Feodorovna’s Pearl Wave Tiara | Pearl Drop Tiara | Maria Feodorovna’s Sapphire Bandeau |  Sapphire Choker | Pearl Earrings |  Russian Sapphire Cluster Brooch | Diamond Pendant | Sapphire and Pearl Brooch | Sapphire Brooch | Diamond Pendant]


The Wedding of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and Princess Alix of Hesse in 1894

Royal Events OTD

Le Bal des Débutantes in 2022

Thanksgiving Dinner in London in 1958 

The Battle of Balaclava Centenary Ball in 1954

The Queen in Jamaica in 1953

Royal Events Today

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