Today in Royal History | May 12


The 28th Birthday of Princess Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein

[Kinsky Tiara]

The 35th Birthday of Princess Zeina Rashid of Jordan

[Princess Sarvath’s Diamond Necklace Tiara | Princess Sarvath’s Floral Tiara]

The Birth of Countess Gunnila Bernadotte af Wisborg in 1923

[Countess Gunnila Bernadotte’s Tiara | Moonstone Suite]

Royal Events OTD

 Queen Máxima’s 50th Birthday Concert in 2021

Christie’s Magnificent Jewels | 12 May 2021

The Funeral of Baron Niclas Silfverschiöld in 2017

The Wedding Ball of Prince Juan Carlos of Spain and Princess Sophia of Greece in 1962

Charity Ball in Athens in 1952

The Christening of Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands in 1938

The Coronation of King George VI in 1937

[Royal Guests at the Coronation of King George VI  | Coronation Rivière]

Royal Events Today

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