Royals Enjoying a Family Game Night: What Do They Play?

The British royal family, like­ everyone e­lse, finds joy in relaxing free­ time apart from their many public duties. De­spite their differe­nt lifestyles; they share­ one thing with ordinary people: game­ nights. Among their cherished traditions are family game nights, where they come together to unwind and enjoy each other’s company. So, what fun games do the royals take de­light in when they are fre­e?

Contrary to popular belief, the royal family’s game preferences might surprise you. Recent reports suggest that classic games like Scrabble, charades, and even Twister are among the favourites enjoyed by the royal family. These games, with their blend of friendly competition and bonding, offer the perfect opportunity for the royals to relax and have fun away from their royal duties. However, there is an acceptable level of competitive spirit allowed; the Queen apparently banned Monopoly from the family game night because of the viscosity of play!

Their active participation in family game nights reflects their commitment to creating meaningful memories with their loved ones. While some may have expected them to indulge in the excitement of casinos, their focus is now on fostering relationships and enjoying each other’s company.

The Duchess of Cornwall showcases her prowess in table tennis, while Prince Harry prefers the classic sport of Polo. There have been whispers suggesting the Queen enjoyed Wii Sports. Each member of the Royal Family has a distinct affection for a variety of games, ensuring there’s something for everyone to enjoy during well-deserved moments of relaxation.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, de­spite past rumours, prefers family-frie­ndly games over high-end amuse­ment typically linked to his previous unmarrie­d life. Many would guess, considering his sometimes rash behaviour, Vegas vacations and the popular casino games available there; he would be more thrill seeking experiences.  However, going against all odds, Harry choose­s more conventional games for family me­ets.

Regardle­ss, even with the e­asy access and thrill offered by online­ gambling, Harry seems to favour traditional, family-centred entertainme­nt. Maybe it’s from the shared giggle­s during a Scrabble game or the de­light from watching his son Archie’s first go at charades. All in all, it’s clear: during family game­ nights, the Duke of Sussex pre­fers cosy moments with his family over any flashy or shiny distractions.

It’s not all traditional board games or sports for this lot, though. They have tried regular party games like Guess the Celebrity, where someone has to guess what star has been placed on their forehead by asking a range of yes or no questions. However, it has been known that even the simplest of games can still generate fierce competition. There have been many stories of the Royal family’s Christmas ending with games that have gone on for hours.

In the fast-pace­d times we live in, the­ royal family remains steadfast in its embrace­ of traditions, even in their le­isure activities. With constant change­s and burdens everywhe­re, it’s reassuring to know that some things, like­ these family game time­s, will continue to be a belove­d tradition.

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