Royal Podcast with Prince Ricardo – Prince Ricardo de la Cerda Advocates Embracing Empathy and Love Without Borders

Episode notes

In a profound and multilingual address on Soft FM Radio, His Royal Highness Prince Ricardo de la Cerda shared his compelling views on empathy, love, and unity. Speaking in English, Spanish Castilian, Portuguese, and Italian, Prince Ricardo stressed the importance of understanding and compassion in our global society.


  • Empathy as a Bridge: “It’s difficult to understand if you haven’t lived it. Empathy is required, but God gave us the ability to imagine it.”
  • Practice Over Theory: Emphasizing that true love involves more practical engagement than theoretical knowledge, Prince Ricardo pointed out, “If we want true love, it’s more practice than theory.”
  • Love as a Unifier: Condemning violence and xenophobia, he described love as the language of those who have … 

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Prince Ricardo de la Cerda, Empathy, Love without borders, Multilingual speech, Compassion, Global unity, Soft FM Radio, Cultural understanding, Humanitarian, Multicultural dialogue, Overcoming xenophobia, Emotional intelligence, International relati

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