The Princess of Asturias is celebrating her 18th Birthday today with a series of festivities, led by Oath before the Cortes Generales, before receiving the Collar of the Order of Charles III at the Royal Palace of Madrid and a Dinner at the El Pardo Palace.
Los Reyes, la Princesa de Asturias y la Infanta Sofía llegan al Congreso de los Diputados, donde tendrá lugar la jura de la Constitución por parte de la Princesa de Asturias.#JuraConstituciónPrincesa
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) October 31, 2023
Los Reyes, la Princesa de Asturias y la Infanta Sofía llegan al Congreso de los Diputados, donde tendrá lugar la jura de la Constitución por parte de la Princesa de Asturias.#JuraConstituciónPrincesa
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) October 31, 2023
In the morning, accompanied by King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia (wearing her Bulgari Earrings), and Infanta Sofia, the Princess of Asturias (wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece) rode in a spectacular Procession through the streets of Madrid to the Congreso de los Diputados, where they reviewed the Guard of Honour.

Su Alteza Real la Princesa de Asturias jura la Constitución Española ante las Cortes Generales.#JuraConstituciónPrincesa
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) October 31, 2023
Su Alteza Real la Princesa de Asturias jura la Constitución Española ante las Cortes Generales.#JuraConstituciónPrincesa
— Casa de S.M. el Rey (@CasaReal) October 31, 2023
The Princess of Asturias swore an Oath to the Spanish Constitution before the Cortes Generales, upon reaching the age of majority, according to article 61.2 of the Spanish Constitution:
I swear to faithfully perform my duties, to observe and ensure that the Constitution and the laws are kept, to respect the rights of citizens and the autonomous communities and to be faithful to the King”
After the swearing to the Constitution, the Princess of Asturias received the medals of The Congress and The Senate
Afterwards, the Princess will receive the ‘Collar of the Order of Charles III’ at the Royal Palace of Madrid, followed by a Luncheon with representatives of the highest authorities of the State. In the evening, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia will host a private dinner at the El Pardo Palace, which will be attended by members of the Spanish Royal Family and the Ortiz Family.