Prince Harry ‘wants to rent a place’ at Kensington Palace but William might ‘be an issue’ | Royal | News

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  • Post published:October 20, 2023
  • Post category:News

Prince Harry has expressed interest in renting an apartment at Kensington Palace, but there’s a flaw in his plan, Prince William stays there on a regular basis, says The Sun’s Matt Wilkinson.

Wilkinson appeared on TalkTV, with host, Kevin O’Sullivan, asking him about the potential move, saying, “My belief is, Meghan will never step foot in this country again. This story emulates from the suggestion that Harry has applied to rent an apartment in Kensington Palace, and speculation is that this will mean ‘the gruesome twosome,’ the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, will return to Britain. I’m not buying it, are you?”

Wilkinson believes Harry is interested, but not Meghan, saying, “I can see it happening, but I agree with you, I cannot see in a million years, Meghan spending much time over here again.”

Wilkinson was recently in California, where Harry and Meghan currently live, and says their life is about California and Harry really just needs a “place to lay his head when he’s over.”

READ MORE: Prince William and Princess Kate are ‘better at being royals’ and ‘playing the game’ 

Wilkinson did an inventory of the Susexxes’ wants, needs and expectations, saying: “I believe the situation is, Harry is homeless in the UK. The king’s taken his property away. Their life is in California. I’ve been out there recently, and everything is focused on California, but what Harry needs is just somewhere to lay his head when he’s over. And, you’re right, I cannot see Meghan Markle coming back. I don’t think she feels welcome. I don’t think she is welcome. The family won’t make her welcome. And I don’t think the public will either.”

He points out, Harry’s father, King Charles, did extend an invitation, that Harry declined: “He has to apply, okay. It’s a really bizarre situation. His father is the king, they have all of these properties, have all these empty castles, he has to apply thirty days in advance to ask if he can stay in a royal property. Last time, the king said, ‘You can come join me in Balmoral,’ but he couldn’t do it because of travel arrangements and he ended up in a hotel.”

Even so, that was a one-off situation and what’s being discussed is more long-term: “He’s obsessed with security, he has all these court cases running about security. So, I believe it to be true, that he would like to rent somewhere in Kensington Palace or maybe St. James’s Palace because there’s actually rooms there. The problem with Kensington Palace is, William is often there,” which has the host burst on in laughter.

Wilkinson continued: “He fell out with his brother when they lived next door to each other in Kensington Palace, but William staff are there, William and Kate and the kids often pop around there, so it’s going to be difficult. If he did have permission to rent a place, it would likely be on the condition that they would have to keep the brothers apart. William spends a lot of time at Windsor.”

It seems like he might be cheering for Harry, rattling off the recent turn of events: “It’s just gotten to that ridiculous situation, you’ve made the guy homeless, he wants to come over… he doesn’t have any big events… his life is in California… he may pop back for a couple charity events, like he did earlier this year, but he just needs somewhere to lay his head, somewhere safe, where he feels safe, that security guards can look after him, because he is obsessed with safety, I can see it happening, but I agree with you, I cannot see in a million years, Meghan spending much time over here again.”

Wilkinson has a tangible solution, which he shares: “It’s not going to be a family reunion with the royals welcoming him with open arms. He’s a grown up with lots of money, why doesn’t he just go and buy his own house?”

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