Official Portrait of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan

The Hashemite Royal Court has released a new Official Portrait of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan to mark their Silver Jubilee. King Abdullah unexpectedly succeeded to the Jordanian Throne in 1999.

The Portrait of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan places them in front of the Jordanian Flag and the Royal Standard of Jordan.

Queen Rania wore her Arabic Script Tiara, Crown Brooch and the Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali.

King Abdullah II wore the Sash, Star and Collar of the Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali, Jordan’s highest Order.

King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan hosted a lavish Reception for 800 at the Raghadan Palace on this day in 1999, 25 years ago, ahead of a ‘Red Motorcade’ through Amman to celebrate their Enthronement, a few months after King Abdullah’s Accession to the Jordanian Throne.

The Enthronement Celebrations began with a Parade which passed through the courtyard of the Raghadan Palace, where a Reception was held for 800 dignitaries, including much of the extended Jordanian Royal Family.

King Abdullah II also hosted an Investiture at the Raghadan Palace, during which Queen Rania (wearing Queen Alia’s Cartier Tiara) was bestowed the Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali, Jordan’s highest Order.

King Abdullah II and Queen Rania then travelled in a convoy of eight bright red armed Land Rovers, termed the Red Motorcade, through the streets of Amman

In 2009, Queen Rania wore her Boucheron Bracelet Bandeau for a splendid Ceremony in Amman to mark the 10th Anniversary of King Abdullah’s Accession of the Jordanian Throne, which was followed by a motorcade procession through the streets of Amman.

Arabic Script Tiara

Diamond Tiara

Boucheron Bracelet Bandeau

Queen Alia’s Cartier Tiara

Queen Rania’s Crown Brooch

Princess Rajwa’s Diamond Tiara

Queen Rania’s Diamond Tiara

Princess Iman’s Diamond Tiara

Queen Rania’s Boucheron Bracelet Bandeau

Queen Alia’s Cartier Tiara

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