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The Prince and Princess of Wales attended 2023 BAFTA night
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Prince Albert II of Monaco joined Princess Caroline of Hanover as they attended the annual ‘Bal de la Rose’ (Rose Ball) in the Salle des Étoiles of the Sporting Monte-Carl, on March 25th. The Rose Ball is a traditional annual charity event in the Principality, and this year’s theme is ‘Bollywood’, which was designed by Princess Caroline and her friend Christian Louboutin, and will benefit the Princess Grace Foundation with the participation of Stéphane Bern.
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Prince Albert II and Princess Caroline were joined by Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo, Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Boromeo, Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam, Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Ben Sylvester Strautmann.