Gilding the dragon: meet the royal who is doing some of the decor for this year’s Buckingham Palace visitors

Gilding the dragon: meet the royal who is doing some of the decor for this year’s Buckingham Palace visitors

Visitors to Buckingham Palace are be in for an unexpected treat. Some of the decor on show has been hand finished by a member of the Royal Family.

The King has added some of the finishing touches to one of the items that will be on show in the East Wing of his most famous home when it opens its doors to visitors. And, as this is regal home interiors, gold is involved.

Royal Collection Trust

King Charles gilded a dragon, as you do, when he popped into one of the workshops being run by the Royal Collection Trust which welcomes visitors to some of the best known royal homes in the world.

Royal Collection Trust

His Majesty visited the Trust’s Decorative Arts conservation workshop in London to see some of the highly skilled craftspeople who look after the historic items in the Royal Collection at work. They are currently working on objects for the forthcoming exhibition: The Edwardians: Age of Elegance.

While he was there, he was invited to try his hand at gilding, the art of applying gold leaf to items.

Royal Collection Trust

The object of choice was a sculpted dragon and The King got busy with some fragments of gold and the intricate carving. He appeared to quite enjoy his experience – the regally gilded dragon, once finished, will head to the Palace to be gazed on by some of the tens of thousands who are expected to visit this year.

Royal Collection Trust

There was also a chance to see some of the other work under way by the skilled staff who use centuries-old techniques and the latest technologies to look after a wide range of objects including art, furniture and china.

The King is the patron of the Royal Collection Trust. The Trust cares for the Royal Collection which has been brought together by monarchs over the past 500 years. It is held by The King and his successors for the nation.

The Edwardians: The Age of Elegance opens at The King’s Gallery on April 11 and runs until November 23 2025. Tickets are available on the Royal Collection Trust website.

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