Are Any of the Royal Family Gamers?

Until two decades ago, video games kickstarted their journey and rose to popularity as a mere hobby and recreational activity for children. Over the years, these games have transcended from being a niche hobby for children to being a mainstream activity enjoyed by millions across the globe, irrespective of their age.

Today, gaming is spread widely across all demographics, extending this inclusivity to even the members of the British Royal Family. While the image of royals might traditionally conjure thoughts of formal ceremonies and official duties, a few family members have embraced the world of gaming. Let’s take a look at some of these “royal gamers”.

Prince Harry: A Loud Enthusiast

The younger son of King Charles, Prince Harry’s love for video games is perhaps the most well-documented out of all his family. Known for his more relaxed and approachable demeanor, the prince has often spoken about his love for gaming.

Reportedly, when he was serving in the British Army, Harry used to play video games to unwind the stress and bond with his fellow soldiers. He has also shared that his preferred genres are war-themed games, likely resembling aspects of his own military experiences.

Prince William: Acceptance for New Technology

The Prince of Wales (formerly Duke of Cambridge) and the King’s elder son, William has not been very outspoken about his interest in gaming. However, he has been known to engage with technology and modern entertainment, showing his inclination towards the digital world.

He has been involved in various campaigns promoting mental health, including those that address the benefits and pitfalls of video gaming. In a few events, however, he has revealed that “both he and Prince George “love games” but is making sure to limit his children’s screen time.”

This balanced approach followed by the Prince of Wales is a good example of why it is important to moderate all sorts of digital activities, whether they involve mobile applications, video gaming, console games, or even online casino platforms. The prince is surely owning up to his title and position, this time by leading by example to ensure that technology is used responsibly.

The Younger Generation

Technology has not just overcome the lives of adults but it has also entered the routine life of children. And the kids of the royal family are no exception. The children of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, are growing up in an era where digital entertainment is omnipresent.

While Prince William has shared about George’s and his love for video games, it wouldn’t be unusual for the two younger ones to also indulge themselves in video games, considering how popular they are among children. On the brighter side, gaming might also be used as an educational tool by providing interactive learning experiences to children that traditional methods might not provide. So, even though the royal family’s children are still quite young, it is possible for them to also enjoy playing video games frequently.


Even though the British Royal Family is considered the epitome of tradition, discipline, and decorum, they are still members of the ever-evolving human race, which means that even they cannot be immune to the charms of technology and modern entertainment, including video games. Prince Harry’s documented interest and Prince William’s inclination towards technology suggest that even royal princes like to play online video games.

As the younger generation of the royal family grows up, it will be interesting to see if their relationship with video games and other forms of digital entertainment grows into something more serious or stays a recreational activity.

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