A GUEST on Antiques Roadshow gasped in shock as she learned about her families royal connection.
The BBC contributor brought forward several family heirlooms to get valued, which included a beautiful book and a mysterious brooch.


Antiques Roadshow expert Susan Rumfitt cast her knowledgeable eye over the items as she enquired about the history of the items.
She exclaimed: “Well we have this lovely book here, and I adore history.
“I love learning more and more about the kings and queens of England.
“And we open up the book, and it’s basically dedicated to the Prince of Asturias. How has this ended up in your family?”

The contributor subsequently gave more information about how the items came into her families posession.
She replied: “It’s basically my great grandma’s great aunt and her signature’s there.
“She was the governess to the King of Spain’s children in what we can sort of guess was the 1920s or 1930s.
“And this is a book that she actually wrote herself to dedicate to the Prince of Asturias.”
Susan then noted: “Well, the Prince of Asturias would obviously have been quite old at the time that this book was presented” .
The guest then explained the full details surrounding her family tree, as she explained: “Yes, I’m guessing when she went over there he might have been about 11 so maybe [it was] to briefly teach him but then probably for his younger brothers and sisters as well I imagine”
The expert then admired the objects further as she explained: “Well, the book is full of beautiful illustrations and also, of course, typed information which the children must have just loved learning about, and what a wonderful way to present history in just this very glamorous way, it really is superb.
Looking over, Susan then asked: “And then of course we have this brooch here. So this would have been presented to your relative.”
The guest replied: “So that’s what we presume, so I know that she will have been in her sort of 50’s and 60’s at the time that she was a governance.
“Basically, when the Spanish Civil War broke out, it looks like she came back to England in about 1936, and she came back with this brooch.
“I think they’re the Queen’s initials on that, from that from what I’ve gathered from my research.”
Susan confirmed the news as she explained: “Yes, we have the diamond set initials of Victoria Eugenie, who was of course the grandchild of Queen Victoria, who married into the Spanish family.
“It was quite usual for governesses and important members of royal family households to be presented with pieces of jewellery as we have here.
“It’s a beautiful, delicate piece of jewellery which dates from the first part of the 20th century.
“So it’s Edwardian in inspiration and it’s got white enamel and then this lovely delicate fretwork here, beautifully set with diamonds. It’s absolutely stunning, isn’t it?”
The prospective seller reflected about what it meant for her family to be included on the show.
She said: “I love it. Yeah, it’s gorgeous. I actually brought [it] on behalf of my grandparents today, and my grandmother has worn it out a few times and I don’t blame her, it is lovely.”
Susan then confirmed the value of both the objects, much to the shock of the contributor.
She confirmed: “I think it’s absolutely beautiful and to have the book and the brooch it’s just that truly inspiring in so many ways.
“If we were to go into auction, I think the history of it would really appeal obviously to the Spanish and of course to collectors of royal memorabilia as well.

“So at auction, I’d expect the estimate to be between £2,000 and £3,000.”
The guest was absolutely shocked at the revelation as she admitted: “Wow – that’s definitely more than we thought! That’s brilliant.”