Prince Ricardo De La Cerda
The Danish Royal Family, the Tsarina of Russia and the Princess of Wales were among the Royal Relatives from around Europe who gathered to celebrate the Wedding of the Hereditary Prince of Anhalt and Princess Elisabeth of Hesse-Kassel at Schloss Philippsruhe in Hanau on this day in 1884, 140 years ago.
Hereditary Prince Leopold of Anhalt, son of Duke Frederick I of Anhalt and Princess Antoinette of Saxe-Altenburg, married Princess Elisabeth of Hesse-Kassel, the daughter of Prince Frederick William of Hesse-Kassel and Princess Anna of Prussia, at Schloss Philippsruhe in Hanau.
Royal Guests and Relatives from around Europe gathered in Hanau to celebrate the Wedding, including Queen Louise of Denmark (wearing her Pearl and Diamond Tiara), Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia (wearing her Sapphire Tiara) and the Princess of Wales (in her Diamond Star Tiara), Crown Prince Frederik and Prince Valdemar of Denmark, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna, Princesses Louise, Victoria and Maud of Wales, Princess Victoria of Hesse and the Duke of Cambridge.
Princess Victoria of Hesse, later Marchioness of Milford Haven, recalled:
Between her wedding and mine the wedding of our relation and friend Elizabeth of Hesse Cassel (eldest sister of uncle Fischy) took place at Schloss Phillippsruh, not far from Frankfurt which her father, the Landgraf, had recently rebuilt and refurnished. Papa and Ella attended the wedding at which all the Hessian and Danish relations, including aunt Minnie of Russia and Aunt Alix of Wales, were present.
The Landgraf, who was a very excitable man, was nearly off his head at having to lodge and entertain so a large party of guests and his speech at the wedding breakfast was a remarkable one. It began: ” I do not thank ( Ich danke nicht) the Empress of Russia, my dear niece, I do not thank the Princess of Wales, my dear niece, I do not thank etc., etc. “- names of all the guests present- “for being here today, – No, I thank all! everybody!”- and, in a loud aside to his neighbour as he broke down into tears – tapping the pocket in the back of his uniform; “my handkerchief, my handkerchief!”
Kokoshnik Tiara
Queen Alexandra’s Wedding Parure
Amethyst Tiara
Empress Maria Feodorovna’s Pearl Wave Tiara
Pearl Drop Tiara
Maria Feodorovna’s Sapphire Bandeau
Russian Sapphire Cluster Brooch
Sapphire Choker
Sapphire and Pearl Brooch
Sapphire Brooch