Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'will always have a role in Hollywood' for brutal reason

Royal | News - Prince Ricardo De La Cerda

2024-05-28 | 21:22h
2024-06-17 | 17:43h

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘will always have a role in Hollywood’ for brutal reason | Royal | News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle “will always have a role in Hollywood”, claimed US celebrity blogger Perez Hilton.

Reports have circulated for some time about the couple’s – especially Meghan’s – eagerness to make it in the world of Hollywood.

Speaking about the couple, Perez told the YouTube channel Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered that he is sure that they will always have a place in Hollywood.

He opined: “They don’t even need to try, they will work in Hollywood because Hollywood, like the rest of the world, is full of sheep. They will want to align themselves with the British Royal Family.”

Discussing this in relation to Harry’s connection to the royals, he told Ms Schofield: “Harry’s not a senior working royal anymore but he’s still the son of the King and the brother of the future King and money will also be thrown his way, and his wife’s way.”

The blogger added: “Even if they continue to be dropped by Spotify or dropped by Netflix after their new projects fail to garner much viewership.”

Earlier this year, a royal expert warned that Americans will soon get tired of the “celebrities” that Harry and Meghan are becoming.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down as working royals in 2020 before moving to begin a new life in the US.

Harry and Meghan now live in a sprawling £12 million Montecito mansion with their two children, Archie, five, and Lilibet, who will celebrate her third birthday next week.

Upon stepping down as working royals, the pair signed multiple lucrative deals with the likes of Spotify and Netflix.

Their deal with Spotify came to an end last year, with their five-year Netflix deal set to come to an end in 2025.

The Daily Mail’s Richard Kay told Palace Confidential earlier this year: “They are Hollywood celebrities with that extra factor, if you like, their titles.

“I’m not sure in the long-term where it is going to lead them but the problem they are going to have is that America has a short-term system. They are enthralled by celebrities for a while but if a celebrity is a bit of a one-trick pony, then they only have one story to tell. In Harry’s case that is possibly true, and then they will just move on to the next new thing.”

Earlier this year, Meghan signed a deal with Lemonada Media – with a new podcast series reportedly in the works.

Despite this, the untitled podcast release has now reportedly be put on hold until 2025 at the earliest.

Meghan previously released a podcast series – which boasted 12 episodes – in 2022.

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Tags: brutal, Harry, Hollywood, Markle, Meghan, News, Prince, reason, role, Royal

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