Kate Middleton reveals the struggles she faces daily despite being a Princess

fans are hailing how relatable she is - Prince Ricardo De La Cerda

2023-05-18 | 11:04h
2024-06-26 | 19:19h

Kate Middleton reveals the struggles she faces daily despite being a Princess & fans are hailing how relatable she is

ROYAL life may come with lots of perks like living in palaces and attending fancy events – but Kate Middleton has opened up about the struggles she still faces.

The Princess of Wales, 41, chatted with girls from St Katherine’s School at a charity event in Bath on Tuesday and said there is an area of royal life she is “still working out.”


The Princess of Wales admitted there is an area of royal life she still struggles withCredit: AP


Kate met with girls from St Katherine’s School at a charity event in Bath on Tuesday, along with Dame Kelly Holmes and Zara McDermottCredit: Reuters


Their visit to the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust in Bath comes as part of Kate’s focus on childhood development and mental healthCredit: PA

The royal mum-of-three made the rare admission during an event for the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust.

According to the double Olympic champion, Kate revealed that public speaking was not her “natural thing”.

Dame Kelly claimed that Kate said “she’s still working that out” and that the Princess added that “not everyone’s perfect.”

During the chat, the pupils asked Kate if being a royal was something she wanted to do.

After the discussion, Dame Kelly said: “They were just asking her about being a royal.

“Was it something that she wanted to do? And she said she had to learn.

“It’s a struggle to know that you can be accepted and fit in and you are still learning every day.

 “She humanised everything to say not everyone’s perfect.

“Doesn’t matter what you’ve got, or what you’re perceived to have, as an individual you’re still going to have those insecurities.”

After Dame Kelly revealed details from the chat, royal fans have priased Kate, with one saying: “Love how Catherine is honest.”

It follows Kate saying that being a member of the royal family was not something she had expected until she fell in love with Prince William.

And Dame Kelly also said that she asked Kate if she sees different “traits” in her three children, to which the royal replied: “Oh yes, definitely.”

During the visit, Kate battled Dame Kelly in a bean-bag noughts and crosses competition, coming in second along with her team of excited students.

After losing for a second time, the princess joked that she was “slightly competitive” although “you would never have guessed”.

She arrived beaming as she stepped out of her royal Land Rover to visit Dame Kelly Holmes’ charity with Love Island and Made in Chelsea star Zara McDermott.

Her hair in an immaculate blow-dry, Kate sported a £359 yellow LK Bennett blazer along with a white t-shirt, matching trousers and trainers.

Their visit to the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust in Bath comes as part of Kate’s focus on childhood development and mental health.

Kate has long been a champion of children’s mental health, and supports programmes including Heads Together, Shout 85258 and Mentally Healthy Schools.

The Dame Kelly Holmes Trust arranges for world-class athletes to mentor young people facing adversity.

It delivers a range of wellbeing programmes in schools and children’s hospitals, with its On Track To Achieve programme focusing on kids between 11 and 19.


Catherine, Princess of Wales meets with some of the young people that the charity supportsCredit: Getty


During the visit, Kate battled Dame Kelly in a bean-bag noughts and crosses competition, coming in second along with her team of excited studentsCredit: Getty

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Tags: daily, faces, fans, hailing, Kate, Middleton, Princess, relatable, reveals, struggles

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